Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Being Blogged about...

My mission for my blog is to keep it positive.  I will not attack, slander, or speak badly about my husband's ex.  While putting all of my feelings out on the table helps me to feel much better, I have learned in the past that saying hurtful things doesn't do any good.

I have been blogged about...I have been tore down...I have had horrible untrue things said about me. I have been called "trash", "welfare case", "cow"...you name it, the ex has probably called me it.  Seeing her blogs I used to get so upset and angry.  While I knew it was all untrue, and she was just lashing out, I felt the need to respond.  I wanted to lash back, to hurt her as much as her words hurt me.  I did. It's something I am definitely not proud of.  I learned from this experience that I was only feeding into her.  I had to be the stronger better person.  I deleted every fowl thing I ever said about her.  I created a blog as a positive outlet.  I hope that one day, she will see what she is doing is childish and wrong.  Her words are just words. There is an underlying issue, possibly guilt, jealousy, rage. I don't know, maybe it's her way of coping and dealing. I will no longer allow myself to be hurt or enraged with the things she has to say about me.  In reality, nothing she says can, and will not bring me down. Remember...misery loves company...those who are miserable, will try to make everyone around them just as miserable.

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